HIM Kampala3 minTHE SILENT SCREAMS: Imagine a child being torn apart, dismembered, disarticulated, crushed, and destroyed. Have you ever thought of the pain these babies go...
HIM Kampala3 minABORTION: THE GREATEST INJUSTICEWhen you think about abortion, what comes to your mind? Do you picture a woman with her legs spread open, having an invasive procedure...
HIM Kampala2 min THE SPARK OF LIFE.The spark of life is that moment when human life begins by fertilization taking place at conception. Fertilization and implantation is...
HIM Kampala3 minHARMFUL EFFECTS OF ABORTIONHarmful effects of abortion Abortion is a complex issue, and pro-life advocates are often faced with the difficult task of explaining why...
HIM Kampala1 minABORTION? (Elective abortion) #fight for the unborn.Abortion is the biggest issue in our generation, the lives of many women and young girls are disrupted by unplanned pregnancies leaving them