Let's Talk About Life
Life is complicated, and sometimes the mistakes we make, are not because we are bad people, but just because we are uninformed and do not know better. "Let's Talk About Life" is a program we developed to just talk about life. Every week we choose a topic of discussion and get together to talk about it. Our goal is to share ideas and be inspired to be better people making better choices as we go through life.

The Survey Program
We are a group of young people that love life. We know there are many ideas out there when it comes to the topic of unplanned pregnancies and the unborn. Our survey program was developed as a way to understand what people believe about abortion and connect with them. We want people to know they have options in the case of an unplanned pregnancy and we are here to help. Those who do the surveying go through our "Culture of Life" program so they are well informed to engage in discussions with you.

The 'VIP' Program
Our V.I.P. program is at the core of what we do. Young expecting mothers come to us who feel unprepared for motherhood and are minded to abort their child. They are often rejected by family and have limited options to support themselves and care for a new born baby.
Our program is designed to find these people early on in the pregnancy and help them see they have options for support and training as a young mother. Our V.I.P. program stands for "Very Important People" because we believe life begins at conception and a pregnant woman is really two individuals.
The program begins with an in depth assessment of the young woman's situation. For those alienated from their family we seek reconciliation. For those lacking training for motherhood or lack skills to find a job, we provide connections and mentorship. Our goal is to support the young mother through child birth and get her to a place that is stable so she can live and support herself and child.
We believe being part of a virtue based community is an important part of making good choices in life and getting to a place of stability. This may at times require leaving behind unhealthy friendships and integrating into our growing church body for accountability and support.
School Pro-life Campaigns
Life is complicated, and sometimes the mistakes we make, are not because we are bad people, but just because we are uninformed and do not know better. "Let's Talk About Life" is a program we developed to just talk about life. Every week we choose a topic of discussion and get together to talk about it. Our goal is to share ideas and be inspired to be better people making better choices as we go through life.

Modesty, Abstinence and Purity
​MAP is one of our initiatives to help young people with appropriate information to deal with significant sexuality development, reproductive health, and interpersonal relationship challenges as they embark on the journey to adulthood
Culture Of Life Training
Culture of life training is designed to take young people that want to volunteer with his image ministries or just to learn more about the issues of the pro-life movement, through a study program as well as field experience of surveying on abortion perceptions. It includes Why pro life by Randy Alcorn, Pro life 101, National geographic documentary in the womb and Various videos from pro life organizations.

The young women that go through our V.I.P. program are very strong and courageous. They have a deep desire to live virtuously and face the difficult challenges of life. Young women that have gone through the program are a great source of inspiration for those who are just starting on the journey. Once a year we organize a meetup to celebrate life and share the stories and joy that result from the deep love and sacrifice a mother makes for her child.
Coming Soon